Da er det dags for en ny utfordring hos/ It is time for a new challenge over at
Karen's Doodles Scandinavia
# 5 - Farge kombinasjon/A colour combo
Gul, rød og hvit (hvit)
Jeg har brukt det flotte spesial motivet/ I have used this fabulous, special designed image
"Karate Boy"
Du kan lese historien bak HER.
Pengene som kommer inn på dette motivet går til KiKa Foundation (Children Cancer Free)
Du får dette motivet i Karen's Doodles nett butikk i slutten av april:O)
This is a special designed image, and you can go HERE to read it's story.
The money that comes in on this image goes to KiKa Foundation (Children Cancer Free)
It will be in Karen's Doodles store by the end of April:O)
I have coloured him with watercolour pencils and blended with watertank brush.
To make this card:
White Bazzil Bassic
DPs from Making Memories and Daisyd's
Yellow Dew Drops and Skeleton leaf are from my stash.
The sentiment is made on my computer.
Hope to see you in this week's challenge over at
Karen's Doodles Scandinavia.
Om du ikke har fått deg et Karen's Doodles motiv ennå, ta turen innom hennes Paper Craft Planet eller SNR side og plukk med deg en eller flere freebies:O)
If you still don't have any Karen's Doodles images, do stop by her groups over at Paper Craft Planet and SNR to get one of her freebies.