This fabulous birthday pressie and card arrived in my mailbox the other day.
Am I the luckiest person or what?
Thank you soooo much, Kimmi:O)
Am I the luckiest person or what?
Thank you soooo much, Kimmi:O)

This lovely award I got from two lovely friends, Eva Helen and Lena Katrine:O)
Thank you ladies!!!!;O)

You are supposed to tell 10 things that make you happy:
1. To spend time with my Hubby and children
2. Make cards
3. To make other people smile
4. Spring time
5. A good meal with good wine
6. Meet dear friends
7. Go shopping with my girls
8. To sit by the ocean and listen to the waves
9. Children's laughter
10. Last, but not least, to visit all my friends here in blogland:O)