Onsdag, og tid for en ny utfordring hos Karen's Doodles Skandinavia;
Wednesday, and time for a new challenge over at Karen's Doodles Scandinavia;
Challenge #4 - Inspirasjons bilde/Inspiration picture
Vi har en felles utfordring med de andre Karen's Doodles utfordrings bloggene.
We have a joint challenge with all of Karen's Doodles' chalenge blogs.
Jeg har brukt/ I have used
"Apple Girl"
til dette prosjektet/ for this project.
Jeg har fargelagt med vannfarge blyanter og blandet med vanntank pensel.
I have coloured with watercolour pencils and blended with watertank brush.
Jeg har laget et lite kort og hjerte gaveboks, og har brukt farger fra BILDET under her:O)
I have made a cute, little card and a heartshaped giftbox, using coloures inspired by this picture:O)

I have made a cute, little card and a heartshaped giftbox, using coloures inspired by this picture:O)

I have used to make this project:
Pale Pink Bazzil Basic
DPs are from
Ribbon and buttons are from my stash.
Pale Pink Bazzil Basic
DPs are from
Ribbon and buttons are from my stash.
I have used a template I found in blogland, but have to find the designer before posting it here:O)
Karen's Doodles Skandinavia.
Det kommer en Blog Hop i morgen, du kan lese mer om den HER:O)
Takk for at du tok turen innom, ha en fin dag!
I hope you want to join in with the fun in this week's
Karen's Doodles Scandinavia.
There will be an Easter Blog Hop starting tomorrow. Read more about it HERE:O)
Thank you for looking, have a great day!